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Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.3.1-2015.09.07). 

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I would like to see some updates as this is the golden source for hunspell-lt package, which I maintain: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hunspell-lt/

P.S. Thanks, I will take a look at your link https://launchpad.net/ispell-lt :)

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.3.1-2015.09.07). 

Thank you Erikas, but I suggest you to use real upstream instead of this as the source of your package. Check it out by visiting https://launchpad.net/ispell-lt .

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Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.3.1-2015.09.07). 

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Said being incompatible with 24.3 Thunderbird, it seems to work fine. I recommend it to anyone despite the cons noted in previous review since there's no alternative at the moment.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.3). 

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

A very very useful plugin, works excellent in both Windows and Ubuntu, and in all versions of Firefox (that i have used so far).

One additional feature I am dreaming about is ability to automatically detect language. It's quite often a case when i write in Lithuanian in one tab, and then switch back to English. Constantly selecting spell checking plugin is quite a nuisance. I believe this feature request targets more whole Firefox app, than just this plugin.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Yep, what you want should be the app's functionality, not that of a dictionary (which I'm providing here mainly for the users of English versions of Firefox in Lithuania). Although, automatic language detection is not that easy, I guess. I think you may find it easier to develop a habit to use <Menu>→K→A and <Menu>→K→L to quickly change the dictionary in use without moving your hands away from the keyboard.

Though it's probably worth to file a feature request (if there isn't one) asking for Firefox to automatically choose a dictionary depending on the keyboard layout in use. It wouldn't cover all cases, but would at least be helpful in some.